Monday, February 20, 2006

Sunflowers and Son Flowers

Okay, so another stolen/borrowed blog entry. I was reading this this morning, and Im not sure whether or not the author understood the spiritual sense behind her writing. But I did. And it's pretty awesome. We're all different, we're all unique - if we're sowing seeds for the Lord, He's going to cultivate new believers. But the end result should not and will not be "identical" believers. Our unique methods are to be admired, just as much as unique believers are. This weekend, I had a young woman tell me "I dont want to be a "christian" if it means I look like them." Them=the other christian girls around her. She was crying out to be DIFFERENT, to be UNIQUE, to be known as a lover of Jesus, a radical liver of Truth, not just a "christian" - a term used more and more loosely by many in American culture. So check it out, and let me know your thoughts...

"There are two methods recommended for sowing the [sunflower] seeds. Place them in individual holes, or scatter and rake them into the soil randomly. Being the inquisitive type, I planted half the seeds one way, and half the other way....It's interesting, there were two methods of planting the seeds. But both supposedly give results. The growth pattern might look a bit different, with the individually placed and planted seeds possibly turning into more linear plants, and the randomly raked seeds producing a more organic look.But, whichever method used, the end product will still be some big cheery yellow flowers, whose faces turn toward the sun at all times."


At 2/21/2006 8:04 AM, Blogger Diana said...

I've been thinking of what I will plant this Spring and sunflowers look like swell idear. As I was cruising around reading about them online, I found this site.
Look at all the different KINDS of sunflowers there are. Talk about diversity in the Body!

I know how your friend feels about not being a clone. The human body is so diverse with only pairs of alike things. Some things don't even have a pair (liver, stomach, etc) As the Body of Christ we all have a function, even if some of us are in the un-beautiful and un-glamorous. Those church-people that size me up according to my outside appearance are just silly. I use to be really hurt by being an 'outcast' but now I've accepted it. I just don't have that 'churchy' look to me. Maybe it's because I wear sweats under my long skirts. I'm a walking "Fashion Don't". Or maybe it's because I have some rough edges from being in the world. Lord knows I am forgiven much.

Anyway, I like the sunflower analogy. God made so many different kinds of plants and animals when He could have made them all the same. Imagine only one kind of butterfly or one kind of bird! Boring! Now imagine only one kind of Christian.


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