The Title...
...says it all.
God is really taking me in deep. All the way deep, clear down into the deepest of deep of my heart and soul. I feel like I'm in counseling, and it's intense. But God is helping me discover rooms in me that need cleaning out. I feel like I'm going to be a new person when all is said and done.
Confused? As am I. Basically I've been really good at hiding from pain in my life, really good at projecting expectations and demands on others, and really good at listening to lies about who I am, but most importantly - who God is. We've got some cleaning to do!
Basically, A.S. and L.A. are two of the most AWESOME women in my life. I just met one of them, and the other I dont deserve to even call my friend, yet they are like the sweet fragrance of Christ in my life. Thank God that He uses each of us to do the works of His hands for His glory.
Ooh...and quote for the week (not exactly word for word, but it'll do) that I've been so excited to meditate upon today:
"The degree to which we are willing to work through times and pains of suffering is the degree to which God will use us to comfort others experiencing the same thing."
Based on 2 Cor. 1:3-7
I LOVE that God's grace is so great that He goes beyond healing us and forgiving us and extending comfort upon us. He goes so far as to use the sin/suffering/persecution we've experienced in our lives to then comfort others, with the same extent of comfort we've received from the Lord.
Going Deep is a choice. It's a choice how deep we are willing to go. I pray God would always empower me to go to a great degree of depth, in order that I may better help others in their pain when the time comes. I dont want to dip my toe in the pool, I want to dive all the way in. No pain, no gain. Thanks Lord for your faithfulness, and thanks ladies, for being willing to walk with me step by step.
Hi, Kelli! I just wanted to say "hi" on your new format for your blog--I like it ; )
How have you been in Iowa?
in other news, I bought a car last weekend, a 1999 Toyota Corrolla, than I returned it two days later! It was a smoker's car, and it just smelled terrible! I didn't want to get stuck with it. The car was $8,000, too.
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