Thursday, December 29, 2005

My Friend, Jo

Hey Everyone -

So, today I just felt like "filtering the goodness" from my life to yours. I love my friend Joanna so much, and she is currently in Japan for the next 2 years ministering to Japanese students. Praise God for His faithfulness to save and redeem my friend Jo, and for her faithfulness in return to go and give of her life for 2-3 years. I am proud of her.

I just wanted you all to know that her blog is worth reading. She speaks from her heart, she shares great stories, and her pictures are precious. If you feel like checking out her "spot", here it is. Click the link above.

PS-I also have a desire to change my blog. I feel I tend to write now to "please the readers" or write as though Im actually talking to one of you! So, my heart is telling me to stop. Because for some reason I am feeling really hesitant to write, afraid of what someone might think. SO...I am going to be revamping my blog soon. I am hoping in my heart that it will become more like a journal. Going back to the days when words flowed freely through my fingertips, writing as though nobody would ever read what I have to say. I actually dont know if anything will change, but we'll see! My intentions are changing, anyways.

PPS-It's funny to me how every year I hear "what are your new year resolutions?" Well, this year it's like God is impressing some amazing things on my heart, without me even seeking them out. I am super thankful for it! I have a lot of goals for the next year, because of what He has been pushing me to do. Im looking forward very much to the start of a new year... maybe I will share more another time. Inquire if you will!


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