Monday, March 27, 2006

Crop Circles

So, last night I was flipping through channels on TV while trying to recover from a fire-hose-feeding of a weekend. I saw a show about "crop circles" - you know, those mysterious shapes and designs showing up in wheat crops in England and random places in Europe. It was interesting - so many people had their own speculations, some saw flashes of white light and then the designs appeared almost instantaneously, some sighted shapes in the sky. As I sat there I couldnt help thinking "Lord, what will it take to get our attention?"

Personally - I believe God is either creating them or allowing "something" or "someone" to make them, all to get our attention. Why do people try and attribute strange and freaky happenings to aliens, creatures, animals, people? It's so easy to freak ourselves out. And for most of the world, it's difficult to realize there are two sides vying for our time and attention. There is a real battle going on, a real spiritual battle. There exists God's army, and there exists evil. It is REAL!

Any thoughts? Anyone have a pressing opinion about the creation of these intricate designs and patterns?

Food for thought, on a Monday morning.


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