Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Who Would've Thought

Who would've thought that I'd gain the most perspective, be challenged daily, and be encouraged to grow and learn and shift with life from blogging! It's one of those "beyond what we can ask for or imagine" things! Seriously. How strange that I gain so much from fellow believers who I will likely never see face to face? God, thank you for technology and this crazy world of blogging.

Please check this out. It gave me a sense of peace today, and in my head I said "YES! It's true! That's totally what I'm experiencing. I wish I had KNOWN that before leaving school, that somehow I would have prepared for it!" But, at the same time, I'm really glad I didnt know about it. The darkness of 2005 in my life was what God used to "sift me like wheat" - seriously. I was sifted. And I HAD to go through it to find my footing, my own, individual, real, deep, and true faith and relationship with Christ. It's like we're in a new relationship! Like I'm starting over, but on a different level. My base is sturdy now, and it's time to ricochet out of here! :)

I guess you have to be in my head to really get this. But check out the post anyways. It's a good one.


At 5/03/2006 11:27 AM, Blogger Joanna Kay said...

Kelli, that guys blog... did you see that he climbs 14ers... ugh! I'm so jealous. I wanted to write and say, "I climbed Mt. Albert" ha ha but then I remember how whiny I was the whole way up... and I climbed Longs Peak too but drank about four million gallons of water. ha ha... when I return from Japan let's run away to Colorado together... oh, yeah and with Marcus!

At 5/03/2006 2:12 PM, Blogger Kelli B said...

yes, he's really, really into hiking. He gave marcus and i an entire email on hikes we could do - weeklong hikes, day hikes, trips oversease, and even stuff right around here.

really exciting..yes, i believe we need to move to colorado when and if you come back...otherwise, i'll just pitch a tent near Mt. Fuji...

love ya!

At 5/03/2006 10:29 PM, Blogger ben said...

hey!! i totally agree with you about the power of blogging. it has been good to read and interact with your writings and those of numerous others. we all learn from eachother. how cool.

hope you are well these days. thanks again for the comments and such at my blog! rock on

At 5/04/2006 9:00 AM, Blogger Kelli B said...

Sweet! Thanks for the comment. I am surely blessed for my newfound blog family! :)


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