Going Deep
...because life is about a lot more than we can see on the surface...
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Fun Friday

So, even though it's Thursday night as I'm writing this, I wanted to get a post out there for ya'll to read on Friday. I might not be at my desk much - spring cleaning will be happening in the back tomorrow at work. Therefore, please enjoy this post.
Going with the theme of doing something "different" on my blog, I'd like to add this as a new thing. So today, Marcus and I became the rich owners of a world map! I say rich b/c we've wanted to have a world map up in our home to pray for the nations - and BAM, one falls into our laps for free. Indeed we are rich!
So today, I'd love it if each of you who reads this would pause your reading and pray for the country of Uganda. It is evidently on my heart this weekend - as there is global awareness happening to draw our eyes to the horrible, mind-boggling things that happen in this country day in and day out (see post and link below). I'd love to see God's hand move in this country to see all of our prayers lifted up for other nations. Today it's Uganda - next week, who knows? ;)
So my good friends - thanks for reading and thanks for praying. It's exciting to get on my knees on behalf of people that exist, but people I may never ever see. God is MIGHTY to save, and He is at work in this small but very active country of Uganda. What an honor to be able to join these friends of ours in spirit and in prayer.
So until next time, I'll keep "exploring the world" until we meet again. I think my camera flash is trying to tell me South America... :)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
When Opportunity Knocks
I have never been one to take part in anything like a "movement" or a "protest" or even an event that will draw awareness. The biggest thing I might have done was Run for the Roses (raises $$$ for arthritis research) and Relay for Life (raises $$$ for cancer research and people). But now I have an opportunity to do something to RAISE AWARENESS.
Check this out:

I'm actually considering participating - just because my heart longs to DO SOMETHING, and because it's happening like 10 miles from where I live, and because I want to learn how it feels to at least have TRIED to make a difference. By joining with others, I can stand up for something I believe in. Something worth fighting for. Even though I cant go to these countries and I cant stand up against the enemies of innocent men, women, and children - I can join together with other like-minded strangers and show someone that I care.
Anyone want to join me? Seriously - I am asking for real. Lemme know. This Saturday - all nigth long. 7pm to 7am. DSM. And we'll be walkin. Any takers?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Sams Club, Peanut Butter, and Dreams
What do all of these have in common? They were a part of a great night I had last night.
Last night was my regular Monday night get-together with my good friends Lori and Amy. We do a Bible study together, but most of the time we pray and watch as God breaks into our moments together. Sometimes we're frustrated. Other times we cry. Still other times we're rolling in laughter. Probably the greatest day of my entire week.
After letting our stomachs settle from the awesome, awesome Sam's Club Delight (Lori's secret recipe), some fruit salad, and some mini-peppers of the red and orange persuasion ("Is that yellow?"), Amy opened her heart to us. In frustration and anger over what she was experiencing, Lori suggested we pray. And pray we did. And God showed up...
I am not one to say I have any sort of "gift of prophecy" or the ability to discern great things or the skill of seeing visions. But last night, it was clear as a picture before my eyes. As Lori was praying over Amy, God placed 2 distinct pictures in my mind - one was of an eye doctor, and the other was of a warrior. When it was my turn to pray, I just handed these visions over to the Lord and prayed as I felt led about what they could possibly mean in Amy's situation. When we ended in prayer - Lori said that just this morning, God placed that word and vision on her heart and mind as well - of a warrior. It was pretty incredible, to sit together and just praise God that He was there. He was joining us at the picnic table. And even more so, He was using the Body of believers to minister to Amy's tender heart.
"How great is our God? Sing with me, how great is our God? All will see how great, how great is our God!!!" I cant help but hear the words of Chris Tomlin singing this in my head. So fitting.
After eating a banana and peanut butter to "cure my sunburn," we dove into updates about other things as we sat together in the living room, calmed by the breeze in the windows and the setting of the evening sun. I had an awesome opportunity to share my dream trilogy with these women, the first time I've talked openly about it. Never, ever, EVER in my entire life have I been able to discern and interpret dreams until God moved in my heart after this third dream. Basically, God moved in my mind and helped me remember these three dreams and then to make sense of them in a way that ministered to my EXACT SITUATIONS I was going through. These three dreams caused great peace - overwhelming excitement - and much settling to occur in my spirit about a season in my past that was causing me great unrest. It was beautiful to speak these things aloud and expose my healing process and the THRILL of God showing me that yes, He is the same today as He was in the Old Testament as He will be in the future. He still speaks through dreams.
"Age to age He stands. Time is in His hands. Beginning and the end, beginning and the end...
Name above all names, worthy of all praise. My heart will sing, how great is our God!"
Friends, I am deeply encouraged by the Lord today. I have had this growing sense that God is doing a new thing in my heart and in my life. It began January 1, 2006 as I sat in a hotel room with a handful of best friends from college, as we prayed for each other and asked God to move in our lives this year. It is an exciting thing to be at the mercy of God's will, His direction, His leading, and His work. I am deeply humbled by God's power in our midst last night, and yet I am fully charged and more aware of what can be done in Jesus' name. Prayer is powerful - it is alive - it is real - it is a fragrant offering to the Lord - and it moves His hand. Is there really anything or anyone like our GOD???
I confidently stand today and say the answer is NO. Heck no.
"I do not cease to give thanks for you (Amy and Lori), remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all." Ephesians 1:16-23
Friday, April 21, 2006
Faithful Blogworld Friends...
Just to keep you in the loop of my ever-changing life:
I have been deeply inspired by so many other blogs this week. It's been great to read, but it's also helped me sort through the thoughts in my head and actually fill my head with more thoughts about good things to think upon! :) Crazy how that works.
Anyways, I've got some ideas for new blog posts - things I'd like to write about and things I'd like to interact with ya'll about. I know you are all on the edge of your seats (yeah, sure.) but sit tight: I will be filling my space here with lots of words and ideas!
Thanks for remaining with me, even when I blank out and leave you stranded with nothingness these days. I'm hoping to get back into the blogging mode over the weekend and into next week.
Until then - enjoy this beautiful spring weather. Unless you're in a cold part of the world. Then ENDURE! until we meet again.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I have a sense of silence in my life right now. Not so much outwardly or if you talk with me in person - but in the world of blogging - silence. I dont know why. I cant explain it. I just feel like my passionate words, opinions, and need to write have settled for the time being. Perhaps it's the investment in other things. There's been a lot happening in my life. Check it out:
- Car hunting! The time has finally come to get a new car. We're on a low budget, looking for a used car with low mileage and gets good mpg on the open road, since we travel a lot. If anyone out there has any suggestions or options - I'll take it!
- Family Trauma: My grandpa has been having his chemotherapy treaments to attack his ongoing battle with lung cancer. On top of that, my grandma had a freak accident and landed in the hospital for 7 days. Easter was spent in the hospital and running with the punches with plans changing. Another relative in my family is causing a lot of drama and she was uninvited to Easter dinner. Is it ever going to end? My prayer and hope is that she will see ways she needs to change, and that my family will not push her away but draw her close, even when she's outrageous and ridiculous.
- Restlessness: Im thankful for a place to live, but I'm getting a HUGE itch to get out. I just wrote an entire page and deleted it - I was ranting! If anyone wants to know why - just ask.
- Church: I'm very, very excited. Recently we've been attending Prairie Ridge in Ankeny - we wanted to strike out on our own, away from people we knew - but we've not found "home" in another church. After many conversations, we're gonna give this one a try for awhile. And at the EXACT time of our decision (how interesting and PERFECT is God's timing?) good friends of ours that are married called and asked where we were going to church - we mentioned our hearts and decision, and they too are considering trying the Ridge for awhile. It's awesome to be like-minded with friends, with people who also agree in giving a church at least 4-5 weeks before really making a decision to try someplace else or to get involved. We're very, very excited for this new season. I'm also reading an awesome book called "Organic Church" - God is teaching me to enjoy the moment and the churches around me, but to seek Him for deeper issues I have with church. who knows what will happen...
- Missions: OH MAN. I just finished listening to the GREATEST sermon on CD. Brad Boozer is a man who spoke at the Perspectives course in Iowa City last month. He talked about missions and it blew me away. Absolutely. It spoke to the stir in me, it reminded me and refreshed me with a new fire and zeal for the nations, and it gave Marcus and I confirmation and purpose behind the heart we have to GO. Go to the nations. Expend our lives on behalf of people who have never heard of Jesus Christ. Very exciting. Let me know if you want a copy - it's waaaay good.
- Running: Recently Marcus began training and running consistently. He's working towards a 1/2 Marathon in July! woop woop! I started to run too - just recently, on my own. God is reminding me how good it feels to train my body, and how many spiritual analagies and lessons I learn from that time on the open road with Him. It's like such a sweet time that God impresses things on my heart. And when He doesnt, it's great to run to the pace of David Crowder's voice. So fun. I'd like to run races again - train to be a consistent runner. Hopefully this drive persists...
Okay - I gotta go. Lunch time. Thanks for reading. Derek - thanks for reminding me that it's been so long! I'll try and do better and post more often...
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Why do I get so sad when people don't update their blogs more often, when here I sit not updating mine for long periods of time? I'm kinda funny like that.
I've been tossing around ideas and thoughts of what to post today, but I'm settling with a few simple verses:
"And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord." - Luke 1:45
"Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." - James 5:16
Before I go - I wanted to say. Last night I had such a vivid dream, it's gotten me hooked on asking "Why? Why would I dream such a detailed, obviously purposeful dream?" I wish I could explain it to you all. If anyone wants to know the whole story - you'll have to email me. It takes some time to describe it.
In the meantime, may these verses be of some service to you.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
New Seasons
Spring is bringing an entirely new season into Midwest USA, but it is also bringing in a whole new season of my life! So many things are changing, so much is coming alive inside of me.
To read more - check out http://www.xanga.com/kelbel82.
On another note - I have been overwhelmingly excited about my new "blog family." I've been networking with a few really awesome people, and it's awesome for one fact - they are challenging me to grow, to refocus my priorities, to acknowledge aspects of my life that need to change, to seek the Lord more fervently. It's very exciting.
Two new things I see changing in my near future (as of this week. Subject to change the next!):
- Learning to curb our spending and use our money more wisely
- Pray more specifically and intercede more often on behalf of those I told I'd pray for
- Start learning to sew - oh man...this is a big one. I've got ideas in my head, creative things I want to make - and I want to be more creative instead of spending money for clothes and other items that I can easily make from my own home.
- Seek the Lord specifically for what to do after Marcus finishes school in December
- Learning calligraphy
- Paint and draw more often - it is therapeutic and allows me to think and process without talking too much or having emotional outbursts
- Stop sitting in front of the TV and start cleaning, decorating, and cooking like I want to
- Getting outside daily (unless it's rainy like today might be) and rollerblading, walking, or running
- Getting more involved and connecting with more people around me
- Fasting - start the practice and learn more about it. Why would God have me fast? I've done it before - but is it something to have more frequently in my week-to-week life? I want to know and discover and experience.
Thanks for reading, faithful friends. Blogging has been a great relief of my thoughts, feelings, questions. I've come to realize my 20's might be the greatest decade of discovery in my life. And I dont say that lightly. I think it's very true.
Saving Space
you guys gotta check this out. It's really crazy but really cool!
Talk about saving space...
but the moon shines: lucky drops
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I dont know what seems to have happened to my blog, but hopefully all's well now. I will be posting something again soon - for now, my mind is completely consumed with a million and one things floating and meandering about. Hopefully after much deliberation, pondering, and deep thinking, I will get a grasp on something sound and put my thoughts into words.
Thanks for checking my site anyways! :)